Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday morning musings of a retired teacher

October 1, 2012        

Monday morning musings of a retired teacher

      The Faculty Lounge.  A place where I used to be able to go to collaborate with teachers and let my hair down. A place where we could go to laugh. Talk about our families. Eat lunch together. Vent.  Learn new strategies. Be a mentor or get mentored.

       I won't lie.  Being retired is amazing. Strange. Mostly good. Sometimes not. After all, I started teaching when I was 21 years old. I was in the profession for 34 years.  As I refine the direction that my life is headed, I can't get away from my passion for teaching and for teachers and so in addition to working one morning a week teaching a baby and toddler music class I am creating a place for teachers to "go". I don't care what side of the political aisle you're on. It doesn't matter who our next President is. We are going to have to unite and figure out a way to get our collective voices heard. We are going to have to work together to take back our public schools and bring along those who teach in charters or private schools. Teachers are not the "bad guys". Unions are not the enemy. The people and corporations behind the privatization of our public schools are the same ones who seek to demoralize our nation's teachers through negative media hype and lobbying political candidates. 

      My goal is simple- to give you a place to figure out ways to build your own school community. To give you pointers on solidarity, based on my 12 years as Union President. We can't advance as a profession until you allow yourself to become empowered and to release yourself from fear. Fear of not achieving on flawed standardized tests. Fear of speaking out. Fear of losing your job because you dare to take a stand. Stand strong. Unite with your brothers and sisters across the nation. Do ONE positive thing to speak out for your profession every single day. Break out of your comfort zone, even if that means simply attending a union meeting or working on a behind the scenes committee. I'll be taking suggestions from my colleagues in "right to-work" states on how to remain strong in this negative culture.

     Bear with me as I learn about this blogging thing.  After all- I'm ancient and it takes time to figure all this technology out.  And kudos to my husband who came up with the title for my blog :)




  1. Excellent - You are a great writer ! Thanks for all you do and welcome to the blog-sphere :)

  2. Great post! Looking forward to many more!

  3. What a wonderful idea! This could be start of something big - uh, not to belt out a song already, but I think teachers really do want a place to talk and share ideas about coming trends in education! I am in Wisconsin and trust me, we've had a rough time since Gov. Walker came in and the collective bargaining went out the door!

  4. KY-that's my goal-to allow us to brainstorm ideas and ways to build our unions while remaining positive and hopeful ourselves. Now- bear with me while I figure out how to allow people to "join"

  5. Gail,
    Thank you for being a tireless advocate. Many teachers are swamped with an excessive brutal workload right now and a evaluation system that is hurting the methods of teaching and our children's ability to learn in an environment that is anti child.
    I'll keep posted and listening while you in retirement continue to make contributions to our profession.
